I am new to accounting! I am having difficulty understanding the basic principal of accounting.. consider the following scenario. Two partners A and B have decided to start a business and they both have contributed 500000 USD each as startup capital. So total is 1 million to start with.. now once the business is started it will have expenses such as rent, salaries, equipment purchases that they will be paying from the 1 million and eventually they will sell the service/product that will generate income... The question is how do they pay each other at the end of the year! My understanding is that they should split the profit that is usually revenue - expense but the expenses are from the capital so do they have to pay back and settle the capital first and then distribute! like if they have take 500000 as expenses from the capital and profit is 700000 so they settle the capital and share 100000 each!. I have gone thru investopedia and read about balance sheet, cash flow, income statements but all these pieces are not fitting together for me! Any clarification is plain language is highly appreciated on how this should be done realistically?