One of the reasons I entered the accounting field is ethics. Unfortunately, my ethical standards have been tested with almost every job I've had. I'm now doing the books for a small company part time. The owner doesn't like the way the reports look when we use discount accounts, purchase and customer. She wants the transactions to be altered to net payment, so as not to use any discount accounts. She rationalized that this reflects "true costs". I told her it was incorrect and she said that's the way she's always done it and "it's not that big of a deal". I'm really struggling with this. On a personal level, she's trivializing what I do. I don't feel comfortable doing my job "wrong". The changes to the recording of transactions with understate inventory, retroactively understate sales and AR, AP...This is a privately held company so it has few shareholders and there is no intention to deceive or take advantage of anyone. I'd love to hear some opinions on this.