Could you help please to issue and book correctly an invoice for a computer sold to the employee.
The computer was purchased on 07/01/2020 with 1600 $ (including sales tax).
It it sold to the employee with 800 $. How correctly the invoice should be issued? Should a sales tax be included as well.
The company activity (type of service) is exempted of sales tax to its clients.
If you could help finding a standard or in the GAAP to read about this, as I would like to act according to law.
Thank You much
Could you help please to issue and book correctly an invoice for a computer sold to the employee.
The computer was purchased on 07/01/2020 with 1600 $ (including sales tax).
It it sold to the employee with 800 $. How correctly the invoice should be issued? Should a sales tax be included as well.
The company activity (type of service) is exempted of sales tax to its clients.
If you could help finding a standard or in the GAAP to read about this, as I would like to act according to law.
Thank You much