Our agency has had some considerable frustration with Quickbooks as we have 375 clients and posting everyone individual SSI benefit to 375 individual cash accounts is simply not "doable" We looked at AccuFund as they have a nice Rep payee Platform, but the pricing was 40% of our annual fee for service revenue - Also, their program only worked by having all the accounts in one combined account, which is something we definitely want to steer clear of. So Quickbooks it is, for the time being. Our solution, a few years back, was to setup a Master Rep Payee Banking Account that we cushioned with our own start up funds($50K or so) and attached all of our individual Rep Payee Participant accounts under our Main Account. We set up a GL Expense Code for each participant with subcodes for Reimbursements to our Agency, Rent, Food, Utilities, Other and fee For service. We then would 1- Cut ALL payments on behalf of our Rep Payees out of our Main Operating Account 2 - Run a Quickbooks account for all of our folks for the month 3 - Login in to our Online Banking Platform and transfer funds, per Quickbooks Expense Report, from each Individual Account to our Main Operating account 4 - Post, under "Make Deposits", each payment rec'd via transfer from our RP Participants and credit their individual GL Expense account. 5 - Run a new QBooks report and, if all goes well, the report reflects $0, i.e. all payments we made on their behalf is offset by the transfer back to us. Prior to all this we also book a monthly Fee For service Journal entry for all participants. The downside is that when someone call for a bank balance, you can't look in QBooks as we don't record the SSI deposits. We have to login into the Bank platform and check the individual's Bank Balance and then look at Quickbooks to assure that their expense balance foots to $0, if not, we have to manually deduct the balance due per QBooks before conveying a balance to anyone. I would recommend this to people with smaller client bases, it's pretty seemless if you can live with having to take one extra step to secure what the real cash balance is for a participant. For us, we've outgrown it and pressure from outside sources to give them an electronic report that reflects everything have us once again looking for solutions.