Schools are teaching us the fundamental rules and regulations on how to solve problems that we will encounter in our future professional lives. And they test our understanding of the rules by giving us clearly identified problems that need to be solved. Once we work in the "real world" we have to get used to that nobody is identifying problems that need to be fixed. We must find out by ourselves whether there are issues that must be addressed.
In your case, you have legal, cash flow, and accounting problems involved.
- In who's name is the building registered? (ownership)
- Is the building rental or a primary residence. If the latter, who is living in it? Both, you and your sister or just one?
- Who is responsible for the mortgage liability?
- Are you both claiming mortgage interest as a tax-deductable item?
- If the mortgage interests qualify as tax-deductible interest for both of you, the monthly checks must be made payable directly to the lender and not via a third party.
- Who is the lender? (qualified mortgage lender)
Once you addressed all these questions, you probably find your answer. Otherwise, please come back with a specific problem.