I'm not well versed in the intricacies of tax law but I have been learning what I can so bare with me please. Situation is my wife is employed as an insurance agent with 1099. She was advised to get an LLC without a clear explanation as to why. I was wondering what the benefit of that would be. We were told all along prior to the LLC recommendation that we could claim a portion of our mortgage and utilities of our home, her mileage, internet, cell phone, and clothing as expenses. She does work from home some but uses the company's office as well. Is she still considered self employed And able to claim all that? And what purpose does the LLC serve? She will be getting a new job with similar circumstances soon and the new employer for now has offered 1099 or to withhold taxes, whatever she prefers to do. If that offer still stands would she be better off staying 1099 with the same expenses? Her current employer says it's to her benefit to stay 1099. We don't know. We will be meeting with someone to talk about this as well but until then I just wanted to find out what I could. Thanks