i'm a retailer of shoes , i sent a shoes a customer gave me to the factory for repair and i paid the factory 100 $ .
and the customer did pay me back the 100$
how shall i add this to my journal entry and how to export it . ?
thanks beforehand .
shall i write the purchase invoice as an expense or purchase of goods ?
Definitely as an expense! Technically, you didn't actually purchase any goods (in the same sense that you would purchase inventory). You purchased a service that specifically repaired a good you sold. Therefore, that would be classified as an expense.
Now I don't know exactly what your books look like, so the accounts in my example will most likely be different than the accounts you personally use. But here's what the transaction would most likely look like:
Sending in the shoes for repair:
Repair Expenses..........................................................................$100
Collecting Cash from the customer:
Sales (or Revenue).................................................................................$100
Hope this helps!