I should have been more specific in my previous post. Below is my (planned) strategy for taking each section of the Exam, along with some questions I have.
Early May (2020)
1. Take the FAR exam. Due to the fact that this section has the lowest passing percentage (40.57%) I want to allow 2.5 months of exclusively digesting the Becker materials/tests for FAR. On a positive note, the class I just ended with (in December 2019) was section 2 of Intermediate Accounting. As a class we reviewed all 24 chapters of the 16th version of the Kieso text. From viewing the AICPA exam blueprints there is an impressive amount of material that matches what we covered throughout the text. Lastly, I've heard FAR is the toughest of the 4 to pass the first time. Therefore, the "clock" factor is an added benefit because it would not officially start until I pass FAR.
Early August 2020
2. Take the AUD exam, or, if necessary, re-take the FAR exam. If it's AUD I'll be taking then (once again) use 2 solid months to prepare for AUD. On a side note, I did not take an Auditing class, however the Roger CPA site says that this should not be too concerning (there are apparently many candidates who went to schools in which Auditing may not have been offered). I am hoping a soley-focused 2 months of prep with the Becker materials should be enough to help me pass AUD the first time around.
Question - what are your thoughts on taking Auditing WITHOUT having taken a course previously? Aside from intensive focus on the Becker materials for this section, would you recommend any additional items/resources that would help me understand Auditing? Note, AUD has the 2nd lowest passing percentage (47.88%). So by eliminating this test earlier (rather than later) in the 18th month window would allow for re-take options that wouldn't cramp my ability to take the last 2 sections (REG and BEC).
Early November 2020
3. Take REG, or re-take AUD. Once again, 2 months of solid Becker prep would probably be best to help me pass this section the first time around, but, if necessary, the focus would remain on AUD and getting it passed the second time around.
Early February 2020
4. Take the BEC section, or re-take REG. 2 months of solid prep with Becker would again be my strategy.
Question: the schedule I've outlined above is the ideal scenario, however, I recognize that certain exam sections FAR and AUD (from what I've read) can take 2-3 times to pass. With that being said, what would you recommend I do to enhance my chances of passing all 4 sections the first time around?
Looking forward to hopefully receiving some good input!
Thank you for your time and effort!