I am a 19 year old part-time college student and work full time for a small pool cleaning company. In 2015, I drove my own truck for work. Usually, I drove from my house to my boss house to pick up the equipment before heading out to my appointments. I understand I can deduct the mileage from my boss house to my appointments. Can I deduct the mileage from my last appointment back to my boss house to drop off the equipment? Sometimes I took the equipment back to my house for an early appointment the next day. How can I deduct the business mileage in those cases? Count the mileage from my house or my boss house to the appointment?
Thank you very much.
I am a 19 year old part-time college student and work full time for a small pool cleaning company. In 2015, I drove my own truck for work. Usually, I drove from my house to my boss house to pick up the equipment before heading out to my appointments. I understand I can deduct the mileage from my boss house to my appointments. Can I deduct the mileage from my last appointment back to my boss house to drop off the equipment? Sometimes I took the equipment back to my house for an early appointment the next day. How can I deduct the business mileage in those cases? Count the mileage from my house or my boss house to the appointment?
Thank you very much.