Debt protection products help consumers pay off a debt or continue or suspend payments upon the occurrence of unfortunate and unpredictable events like death, disability, and involuntary unemployment. The credit insurance version is almost as old as familiar consumer credit itself, but there also are newer forms of debt protection called debt cancellation and debt suspension agreements.
If an EVENT happens, and the lending institution is notified after an elongated period (say 1 year) what is the appropriate way to account for covering payments due to said EVENT?
Example: Say a Divorce is the event, and the borrower forgot they had Debt Protection which included that event until a year after the Divorce occurred. At that point, notifies lender that Divorce happened, and would like application of Debt Protection as stated for the loan.
The Loan system can easily go back and post payments back to the EVENT date to change statements for Principal and Interest. My question, is how is this supposed to be handled when a Fiscal Years books were closed for GL purposes? Or if Loan had been charged off?
If an EVENT happens, and the lending institution is notified after an elongated period (say 1 year) what is the appropriate way to account for covering payments due to said EVENT?
Example: Say a Divorce is the event, and the borrower forgot they had Debt Protection which included that event until a year after the Divorce occurred. At that point, notifies lender that Divorce happened, and would like application of Debt Protection as stated for the loan.
The Loan system can easily go back and post payments back to the EVENT date to change statements for Principal and Interest. My question, is how is this supposed to be handled when a Fiscal Years books were closed for GL purposes? Or if Loan had been charged off?