USA accounting 101

May 10, 2018
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United States
I'm new here, I have been doing accounting for a small fire district for a couple years now. This question will likely make most of you laugh at me! Let just say: teenagers, drivers test, quarterly closing and audit prep have me fried. Here is my problem

Its a simple problem, but for the life of me I cannot see the solution.... I think I might delete it and start again... But I don't want to have to do that.
Right now for AR we use an excel tracking log and the Sales module in GP for deposit. We don’t do a ton of AR. Invoicing for some re-bills, some county funds, and misc.

The process is: create an invoice, log it on the excel sheet, receive $$, create a deposit in the sales module (in GP), update the excel, then manually do the following J/E’s


1120-001 (debit to AR)

7530-001 (credit to the expense or rev)


1025-001 (debit to a cash clearing)

1120-001 (credit to AR)


1020-001 (debit to cash)

1025-001 (credit to the cash clearing)

It’s a major PITA and we WILL be moving to use GP solely for invoicing and tracking next FY.

THIS is my issue..
I’ve created an invoice, logged it on our AR log in excel, received the payment, and used the Sales module to deposit it, but i ONLY did these two J/E’s


1025-001 (debit to cash clearing)

6030-001 (credit to rev or exp)


1020-001 (debit to cash)

1025-001 (credit to cash clearing)

THE PROBLEM with the above is that I haven’t figured out the J/E to get the darn thing into and out of AR in GP

I’m thinking that if I do the deposit as above I need to create 2 additional J/e to show it in AR and take it out?? Or back out this sales J/e and do it again like the first scenario? Ugh…. I know it’s a simple fix, I just can’t see it.

Thank you anyone who can give me some advise!

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